You Are a Powerhouse...Time to Let It Shine!

Jul 14, 2021

You are a powerhouse! 

If you truly believed that, how would you feel right now? How would you behave? What results would you be creating in your business and life?

I’ve come to the realization that I’ve been hiding from my inner powerhouse, holding her at arm's length mostly because I’ve been afraid of the discomfort I might feel...and cause for those closest to me - my husband, my kids, my friends, my family. 

So many of us hide the hugeness of our inner powerhouse, our dream, our mission, our purpose so that we avoid ruffling feathers, overshadowing our spouses, or alienating ourselves from our friends or family members.

I thought if I remained small and flew under the radar I would keep the peace, let them all shine. But that’s not serving them or me! I realized I was robbing them and myself of the full, true ME! That’s not the example I want to set for my kids, especially my daughter!

Embracing my inner powerhouse means I’m going to be scared shitless...and feel invigorated... most of the time. It means I’m 100% committed to creating the vision that’s been living inside me for years now that I’ve been trying to look away from much of the time. 

I also know I’m going to fail miserably, publically, and in probably grand fashion lots of times. People - probably even those closest to me - will make fun of me, point, and whisper right to my face. I will be ridiculed for the decisions I make and the stuff I say.

BUT…(and it’s a big BUTT! ;-))

On the other side of all that is ME...totally FREE...getting to experience this life in full service, purpose, overflowing with LOVE, being ALL of ME to everyone! Living out what I KNOW is my destiny here on this earth! And getting insanely wealthy in the process! 

Here’s the TRUTH: The greatest act of vulnerability is believing in ourselves! And continuing to believe in ourselves even when…(fill in the blank)!

I encourage you today to continue to grow that belief in YOU and the awesome gifts and unique talents God has placed within you! You are a powerhouse...and it’s time to let it shine! And I’m here to support and cheer you on!

Cheers to you friend!

P.S. If you need support to further embrace your inner powerhouse and take your business and life to the next level, it all starts with one conversation. You'll tell me all about your business and life, current struggles, and where you'd really like to be. I will help you gain clarity and focus on what it will take to get there. You will be amazed at the impact and value of having the space and time for us to talk about your business, life and goals. And whether we decide to work together or not you will walk away knowing your next best steps to get there. You in? Reply to this email with a ‘yes’ or check my calendar now.


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