What I’ve Learned That Could Literally Save You Years of Struggle

Aug 25, 2021

My clients are such bigger badasses than I was at their stage in business. 

And here’s why...

In the early years of my business, I never thought to invest in coaching or learning or help, and it shows. It’s taken me 15 years to get where I am in my business using the ‘school-of-hard-knocks’ method.

I was arrogant enough to think I could do it all by myself.

Only in the past five years, following some big goals and big failures, have I discovered coaching and the power of having an advisor to help me see my blind spots and guide me to better results. I’ve exponentially grown since then....in so many ways I never imagined!

My clients, on the other hand, are investing thousands of dollars in coaching NOW...in the early stages of their businesses. They are investing in themselves and their businesses. They are doing the work and committed to the process I’m taking them through; showing up in their businesses in big, bold, new ways and it’s so stinking inspiring!

I believe to the core of my being they will ALL be successful and hit every big goal they’ve set for themselves and their businesses, like:

  • retiring her husband from his physically demanding job.
  • creating a six-figure business while at home raising kids.
  • making more money as an entrepreneur than she ever could have at her salary job.
  • retiring while still getting paid and having the freedom to travel and generously give to causes all over the world.

... and the list goes on.

They’re not there yet...not even close, but they have not given up on their dreams like so many of us do. They are believing and getting closer to these results faster than they had been before coaching. Now, all they have to do now is keep the momentum going.

And how about you on your business journey. How’s it going? Are you satisfied with your results? Your momentum? Could you use an advisor?

If you’re like I was in my early years, before coaching, you will get there somehow, someday. 

Or you can consider investing in your dream, hire me as your coach, have an exact plan of how to get there, and get there much sooner. You choose. If you wanna go fast, let’s chat. Let's set up a time to chat.


P.S. I coach women building business to their first $100k. It all starts with one conversation...You'll tell me about your business, current struggles, and where you'd really like to be - and I'll share the blind spots and areas to focus that I see. The impact of having space and time to talk to an expert about your business and goals is immense, regardless of if we choose to work together further or not. You in? Schedule a time to chat.


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