Want to Get Better in Your Business? Do This One Thing…

Jun 23, 2021

As a kid in school, I always liked getting my report card. 

I wasn’t a straight A student or anything but I did well in school. I liked knowing how I measured up...and my dad paid for ‘A’s, so it was always a little cash in my pocket. 

Now, as an entrepreneur, what’s my report card? How do we measure progress in our businesses? How do we know what’s working and what’s not to get us to our goals?

Many of us just look at the bank balance and measure our success there. Were we able to pay all our bills and taxes and take a little home? I know that’s what I used to do...but what useful information is that even giving us to help us grow?

Until you know exactly what’s working and not working in your business, you are flying blind, hobbling your progress, holding yourself back from experiencing the impact and income you dream of creating with your business. 

My friends, there’s a better way, a very simple way, to evaluate anything in your business that will give you the power and knowledge to catapult your business forward! 

I use this process for evaluating anything I want to get better at in my business...which is pretty much everything! ;-) I evaluate sales calls, launches, weeks, months, quarters and years. 

Since I started using this process in 2019, my business has grown by more than 300%! Evaluating and learning from everything happening in your business helps you to always keep growing, you’re never starting over.

This works, my friend! And it’s very simple. Here’s the simple process:

Grab a journal or open a Doc on your computer and answer the following prompts:

  1. Where did I see growth, what’s working?
  2. Where would you like to see growth and improvement? What’s not working?
  3. What are all the lessons here? What will you do differently?

Pro tip: Always answer in this specific order, starting with what’s working because it puts us in the right headspace, creates openness, celebration and a space for learning. Our inner critic likes to start with all the stuff we screwed up, but tell it to sit down and wait, we get to that in #2. ;-)

Give it a try and let me know what you think. Or, got questions? Reach out and ask away!



P.S. Helping my clients continually improve and grow in their marketing and business is what I do as a coach. If your business is not where you want it to be, I can help you. It all starts with a conversation. You’ll tell me all about you, your business and where you’d really like to be.  I will offer you clarity on how to get there. I’ve been a solopreneur for 15 years now and coached countless clients. The impact of having space and time to talk to an expert about your business and your goals is massive, regardless if we decide to work together or not. You in? Let’s set up a chat.


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