This Is Not Your Typical Advice for Growing Sales

May 12, 2021

It’s hard to believe, but simplicity, not complexity is one of the secrets to successfully scaling your business and growing your sales.

I know in our current business hustle culture that’s not what we hear very often. We’re always hearing and seeing all the other things we *should* be adding to the list of stuff we’ll never get to that’s supposed to grow our sales. 

But I’m here to tell you this is bullshit advice! 

When we’re caught up in doing all the things everyone else says we should be doing to market and sell our services, we are getting further and further away from our ideal clients and what we actually enjoy doing and do well.

Before long we’re bogged down in editing podcasts, writing content, recording videos, writing posts...all activities that are not required to meet people and serve them (and make lots of money!).

So, what does it actually mean, in practice to simplify our business? 

It’s removing all the friction between you and your potential clients. So, whatever feels heavy or has been languishing on your to do list for days...cut it out, cross it off, drop it...and don’t look back.

Instead, think about how and where you can directly connect with your ideal clients and serve your current clients and network in a way that lights you up, is fun, and energizes you. 

For many of my clients (and me!), simplifying has looked like:

>>Subtracting the offers that don’t bring us delight to provide.

>>No longer doing the marketing activities we think we ‘should’ do...yes, you can even stop posting on social media if you hate it and build a multi-six figure business by interacting with people in other ways. 

>>Stopping the use of complex technology that keeps us at our desk updating contact records rather than out meeting new people. 

>>Turning on the iPhone video camera and sharing our message simply rather than planning and executing complex, technical webinar events.

>>Trading time and money spent on figuring out Google or Facebook ads for connecting with and serving those currently in our network. 

Listen, for most solopreneur-owned, service-based businesses, it does not take a high volume of clients to make a very comfortable living. There’s plenty of time for complexity as you scale to multiple six-figures and $1 million. For now, cultivate simplicity in your business and see what a difference it makes both in your results and your enjoyment.

I know for me, in 2018 my business was woefully complex and I was bleeding cash because of it. When I simplified my operations and my marketing & sales, I was able to triple the size of my client list and my sales, all while working part-time. My business was also much more fun, profitable, easier to manage and insanely scaleable.

If you are ready to clean up your business, simplify, reduce the hustle and increase your sales, I can help you. In one meeting we can go over your business, where you are and your vision for the future - both for your work and your lifestyle. Investing the time and space to be intentional about where you’re headed is priceless and whether we decide to work together or not, you will walk away from our time together with the focus and clarity to take your next best steps. You in? Let’s talk. Take a look at my calendar now.



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