The Comfort of Perfectionism…

Jun 25, 2021

I’m Melissa and I am a recovering perfectionist.

I discovered something interesting and disturbing…

I’m very comfortable with my perfectionism…

I like trying to look "perfect,"

Showing off my "perfect" family,

Talking about my "perfect" business.

Truth is…

It’s not perfect. None of it.

I like my look but the older I get the more I question everything...what can I wear? do 50-year old's do this? do I look old in this? what is a 50-year old actually supposed to dress like? ❤️ But I've learned to love myself in a much deeper way.

My family is far from perfect...I worry constantly about my children, especially my 12-year old daughter, and feel mommy guilt every day - especially during summer. ❤️ But I love all of them madly!

My business is far from perfect. My revenue trajectory looks like a roller-coaster at Six Flags, and feels like it too most of the time. ❤️ But I love it and all of my clients to the moon and back and I will NEVER give up on my vision to help more women make more money, create more choices and freedom, one business at a time!

For most of my life I found safety in perfectionism. I know it’s not attainable, yet I maintain it as my “standard” and as a form of avoiding and buffering. Avoiding the honesty, vulnerability and danger of being imperfect.

Being imperfect feels scary, it feels unsafe.

But I also know that perfectionism has kept me stuck, kept me from showing up, kept me from experiencing, serving, and being the full expression of myself...and it’s just not real.

My new thought is that "Love is safe." And loving what 'is' is safe.

So, I share this with you - my fellow perfectionists - to call BS on myself and invite you to join me in this journey to getting to know and express who we truly are, in all honesty, and loving ourselves despite the imperfection...maybe even because of it. Care to join me?? 


P.S. If you feel like your perfectionism has been holding you back, I can help you gain clarity and freedom from it so that you can show up in your life and your business as the full and totally 100% loveable version of yourself, free to be you everywhere and in all things. Book a call with me today.


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