So Many Are Telling Me This about Social Media These Days…

Aug 11, 2021

Can being on social media actually be fun?

For many of you I've talked with recently, you'd say no (or even, ‘hell, no!’)! 

But you think you “should”  be there to grow your business.

You’re uncomfortable with the technology of it or how to do it ‘right.’

Or you don’t know what to share.

You’re sick of all the politics.

You’re sick of the cycle. feels so impersonal and you’d much rather just meet people in person.

I can totally relate...I felt like this in the worst way when COVID hit and could no longer meet and network in person...I had a total fit about it.

I DID NOT want to have to do all my networking online. I L.O.V.E. meeting people in person, the energy is different, I can hug (I'm a hugger...FYI), and I enjoy the interplay of conversation and body language with other humans!

But if I was going to grow my business like I'd planned last year, I was going to have to make a decision to figure it out...and here's what I figured out that's made networking on Social Media SO FUN!!

I reverse engineered what's worked in person for me, do it online, and absolutely love what I'm I love that I can reach, impact, and meet SO many more people and I can interact any time of the day or night...without driving anywhere, finding childcare for my kids, etc - sorry, run-on sentence!

Here's what I did:

    1. Identified exactly what I love about networking and meeting people and figured out how I could translate my favorite aspects online.
    2. Created my ideal environment on my chosen platform. I decided my social media feed is like a party at my house...I’m only inviting fun, inspiring, uplifting, non-creepy people I’d like to hang out with in real life. This means I unfriended, unfollowed, and ‘hid’ people in my feed whose posts I no longer wanted to see. So now when I read my feed, I get to see and interact with those I’ve chosen to be there.
    3. Have conversations, be a real human. Just like the party at my house, I’m not going to run around shoving products or offers in my guests' faces and I won’t do the same on social media either. Sure, if people reach out I’m happy to chat further about how I can help, but for general meeting people and having conversations, it’s a back and forth about a range of real-life humans do.
    4. Think about my friends more than myself. My friends and family...just like yours, I’m sure, love to see us doing life, whether we’re fully made up and perfect or not. Others are interested in everyday stories and inspiration and not publish that post or photo whether it’s perfect or not.
    5. Remember your medium. Photos and video are two dimensional mediums and to get our full personality across we have to be mindful of the distance our energy has to travel to our audience. When on video, capture your viewers’ attention in the first couple seconds and offer a level higher energy than you would for an in-person conversation.




And if you would like to fall in love with building your tribe on social media? Let’s talk about how...schedule a call with me and we’ll go over where you are now, what you’d like to accomplish and I’ll show you all the steps for you personally to get there quickly. 



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