Rollercoasters & Investing…

Jul 07, 2021

When I was in college in Southern California, we used to go ride the rollercoasters at Six Flags. Those coasters were the biggest I’d ever seen and scary as hell. For me, the scariest part was always going up that first big ascent. Higher and higher we’d go, hearing the chug, chug of the car being pulled up...before that inevitable big drop and rush of speed. I’d be feeling a mix of anticipation and terror and exhilaration...and was pretty sure I was going to die!

I’ve noticed that investing in myself and my business feels much the same way. Having the audacity to believe in ourselves and our businesses and then put our money where our mouth is really the ultimate act of vulnerability. We’re putting it all on the line!

Investing in ourselves, our business and our growth is scary, but on the other side is an amazing, exhilarating, rewarding adventure...and it’s also the catalyst to massive growth. 

I used to think my mentor was crazy when she would say she’d prefer to invest in herself and her company before she’d invest in Apple or Google because she’s a sure thing. She believes so hard that she creates her own results and is 100% responsible for her ROI (return on investment) whereas she is 0% responsible for the results achieved by the likes of Google or Apple or any other multinational investments. So those investments are much riskier, yet we so easily and with little question throw our money into investing in others.

What would it take to believe in yourself and your business as much as you believe in someone else's? For me it’s been a journey. 

The process of believing in myself is a little-by-little, step-by-step, 1% each day practice. I like to think of just poking one hole in the wall of disbelief each day. You can borrow belief from your mentors. You can find a coach - like me - whose belief is greater than yours, that you can lean on as your wobbly belief solidifies.

All you need is faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains! 

You are a worthy investment! When I decided that for myself I have continually achieved massive ROI...on my most recent investment in coaching I had a 600%+ return! 

You, your dream, your vision, the impact, the company, the freedom, the choices you want are worth it! You are a sure thing because you get to decide you’re a sure thing. So make the decision and make it again each day, then go out and create those results. You can do it!

And if you need support figuring out exactly how, I’m here to help. It all starts with one conversation. You’ll tell me all about your business and your goals and together will identify all the obstacles standing in between and how to handle them. You'll walk away with focus and clarity on your next steps and the confidence to take them whether we decide to work together or not.


P.S. If you’d like to have a chat, feel free to pick a day and time that works best for you. I look forward to it! 


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