Knowing Whether It’s Inspiration or Perspiration…

Sep 03, 2021

A few years ago I created a beautiful online course and I was convinced THAT was how I was going to scale my business and make a million dollars. Looking back...I think I was more interested in making the money than serving up amazing value to my students. Not surprisingly, the course was NOT a success and I did not make a million or anything close. 

Through that experience I learned something…

There are ideas that come to us out of inspiration and there are ideas that come to us out of perspiration. I was operating from perspiration. Knowing the difference is the key to knowing what’s going to be worth our time and energy to implement. 

Ideas from inspiration smell sweet, grow our business, grow our self-concept, grow our audience, grow our impact, and connection to our people. They come from a place of abundance, service, love and expansion. This is how I’m making decisions in my business now.

Ideas from perspiration come from a place of thinking about what we’re lacking…mainly money; like who’s not buying, who’s not engaging, who’s not paying us. These ideas have a stink to them and come from a place of lack and not abundance. 

Ironically, it’s ideas from inspiration that tend to make lots of money. 

Ideas from perspiration create lots of hustle and not as much money.

So how do you know when an idea is inspiration or perspiration? You have to examine the thoughts, the reasoning, desires, the energy behind the idea.

Developing this awareness can mean the difference between achieving your goals with less hustle and over-hustling and burning out on money-losing propositions. 

Have you experienced implementing ideas from perspiration like I have? From inspiration? Reach out and let me know. 

Want to grow your awareness of where your ideas are coming from? I can help you get some clarity and focus on the ideas from inspiration so you can make more money and have a greater impact...without the hustle. Let’s get on a call and talk about it.


P.S. For my Northern Colorado peeps...TWO chances in September for us to meet up and see me speak. Register now!

  1. September 9th - Superior, CO - Women in Business is your monthly dose of empowerment!  My talk is titled: Get More Done! Each month, the Superior Chamber in partnership with MOD Moms hosts a FREE luncheon and guest speaker for professional and entrepreneurial women in and around Superior. 

    Please RSVP for this event no later than Noon on September 7th to be included in the free lunch. Register:

  2. September 16th - Windsor, CO - Women of Windsor. My talk is: Grow Your Sales Doing What You Love - Join Us for an evening of networking and getting to know each other. Women of Windsor is a group of women supporting each other in their personal and professional lives. 

    Each month we will feature a guest speaker that will focus on either - Business, Health, Wellness, Self Care and Professional Development.

    If you are looking to network or just meet some really great ladies - This is for YOU! 

    See you there!

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