How to Play Like a Champion

Jul 02, 2021

Last weekend I got to play in a women’s ice hockey tournament with my team the Hot Flashes. We hadn’t been on the ice all together since before the pandemic so it was a sweet reunion for sure! 

These ladies are like my mothers, sisters, colleagues, and teammates all rolled into one. We are a family. Over the course of the weekend we celebrated our goalie’s wedding on the ice, a doctorate graduation, and a 50th birthday! 

We also made it to the Championship Game, which was such a thrill considering how long it’s been since we’ve played, let alone practiced together!

Before our semi-final game, one of our players’ father said to me “you’ve got to make it to the Championship.” And it sparked a thought in me. My initial thought and probably what I said was something like “we’ll see.” But then I got to thinking, how can we ensure we get to the Championship?

In life and in business, we can ensure we get to the Championship (or the Big Goal) by playing like a champion today, before we’ve ever reached the championship. Becoming the champion today and playing as a champion makes it inevitable that you will reach the some point. And we did. 

When I think about this concept for my business and for your business, I think that if we want to build a million dollar business (or whatever your goal is), we need to behave, play, think, feel, act as that CEO right now. But how do we do that??

Very simply:

>>Visit her - in a quiet space, with pen and paper in hand, close your eyes, visit your future self in your imagination. What do you notice, feel, see? What advice does she have for you? You can even ask her questions and listen for answers.

>>Feel all the feels - What will you be thinking and feeling about yourself at the goal/after winning the Championship? Will you feel like a leader, an expert? Will you feel validated and successful? Will you feel financially secure and free? Make note of what that future feels like and find evidence of how you can feel that way even now.

>>Play like a Champion daily - Play daily as your Champion self. What are your practices and standards as a champion. What is the energy you bring to each day, each item on your list. When you think, feel, act as a champion, there’s no way you cannot become her!

>>Surround yourself with Champions - We need a team, a community of champions around us to help us see that future we’re creating and get busy creating it. That’s why my colleague Julie Ulstrup and I have created our September Women’s Retreat in Winter Park, Colorado (Sept 9-12). Building champions in business and life is what we’ll be doing over 4 days & 3 nights. We have a few spots available! Book before July 10th!

And now, the rest of the story...we didn’t win the Championship Game, but we were so proud of how we played and we each played like Champions all the way through and with that spirit I know we have many more Championship games ahead of us.


P.S. We created our Retreat with YOU in mind! If you are a woman business or community leader, looking to take your business or work to the next level, this Retreat is for you! You will leave this retreat an elevated woman with a plan and community of women surrounding you, cheering you on. During guided sessions and private coaching you will evaluate where you are, create a plan for the next 3-5 years, and have all the support and know-how you need to implement your plan. Get more details and register NOW!


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