How to Have More Fun with Your Marketing

Sep 17, 2021

In marketing your business…are you feeling the fun or the pressure?

During a couple sessions with clients this week we uncovered thoughts getting in the way of progress that went something like “if there’s no pressure, it wouldn’t be work.”

When we’re thinking this way, we feel pressure and show up to marketing feeling the heaviness of pleasing people, having to make money, and not wasting time.

Believe me, I’ve been there and done that! These thoughts feel so real!

But the truth is that showing up to our marketing with the heaviness and pressure leads to coming across as graspy, salesy and desperate. Not attractive!

When you’re feeling this kind of pressure it’s because you’re lacking belief that it’s working or having unrealistic expectations of what you think should be happening.

When you can consciously and intentionally shift to a place of fun and allowing rather than controlling the journey, your energy changes, the heaviness and pressure fall away and so does the desperate, graspy, salesy tone.

If you’re feeling fun, you take fun actions, show up in fun energy, attract people to you and create more clients…which is way fun!

So, how can you drop the pressure?

Drop your expectations that this one thing - post, email, ad - is the end all be all. Marketing has a cumulative, compounding effect.
Drop your desire to control the actions (or lack) of your audience, consider curiosity instead
Drop the standard of perfection for your marketing, allow it to be messy and imperfect. Your message - even imperfectly communicated can impact others!
Reconnect to your ‘why,’ your love for your clients and the impact you’re making on their lives.

And remember, our primitive brains are hardwired to be in this mode of scarcity and lack, so this doesn’t mean anything has gone wrong...we just need to remind ourselves of all the abundance around us, that clients are all around us, and we can create the results we want.

Final step …ask yourself what would make your marketing (aka, loving to your audience) fun? How could you show up today, right now, in love and celebration of your clients, your audience, your mission, your business? And if you need some help answering these questions, let me know. Let’s talk through it!


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