The Hidden Side of Marketing That’s Your Ticket to Sustainable Sales

Aug 18, 2021

“I’m bad at marketing.”

“I don’t have a real plan for my marketing.”

“I’m not consistent enough with my marketing.”

These are common marketing issues that clients come to me with - lack of consistency, they feel bad at marketing, unsure if they’re doing the right things, confusion, lack of time or money to “do it right,” no cohesive marketing plan, no time to market their business. 

I too have experienced every single one of these issues in building my business over the last 15 years. And I tried for years to “fix” them...without much success.

What I know for sure...from my own journey and working with my clients is that there are two sides to each perceived marketing issue...the obvious or tangible issue - like “I’m not consistent enough.” And then there’s what’s lying beneath the surface of what we can see, the intangible issue. The intangible issues - your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions - are what’s always driving your actions - or lack of action! - in your marketing, yourself, and your business. 

It’s so much more than just grabbing an online social media planning worksheet or a new app or signing up for another course. 

We can’t change issues inside by looking outside of ourselves. 

That’s why coaching is so powerful! Not until I learned how to uncover and understand the intangible side of marketing was I able to make lasting and massive improvement and see massive results! 

As a coach myself, I now help my clients see and work through these blind spots.  

This is the work I L.O.V.E. doing with my clients because I’ve seen first hand how working on managing our minds and thoughts provides so much more traction to changing our results than grabbing a quick fix.

Quick fixes like more courses, apps, tips, and hacks may help us initially and at the surface level, but to really uplevel yourself, your impact, and your business, you first need to uplevel your thinking.

I’m beginning with an issue that’s plagued me my entire journey: “It’s not perfect enough, it could be better.”

Do you have a tangible marketing problem you’d like me to address? Reach out and let me know!

To your success!
xo, Melissa 

P.S. I help solve marketing problems. It all starts with one conversation...You'll tell me about your business, current struggles, and where you'd really like to be - and I'll share the blind spots and areas to focus that I see. The impact of having space and time to talk to an expert about your business and goals is immense, regardless of if we choose to work together further or not. I invite you to schedule a call now! Click here to schedule your call.


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