I Have a Confession to Make…

Aug 06, 2021

Oftentimes marketing myself and my business feels awkward. 

I tell you this because I want to normalize feeling awkward. I want you to know that it’s OK to feel awkward, it doesn’t mean anything has gone wrong or that you’re doing it wrong. 

The truth is... you can just allow the awkwardness...maybe even give voice to it by saying that you feel awkward or you feel uncomfortable but that you are showing up anyway because you have something important to share.

Sometimes revealing our humanity is precisely the freedom that we need to just be ourselves.

It also allows others to connect with us as humans creating a human to human connection. We are not unfeeling robots, even though that's what our minds tell us we should be to be professional.  But at the end of the day, what we really crave is connection with other humans trying to find our way in this human existence.  We want to connect as a human to other humans in our humanity.

So, think now of a marketing activity that you would like to get better at... Sales calls? Writing posts? Recording videos? News flash, you don't need to do any more learning to get better. What you need now is to give it a try, allow it to be awkward and messy, allow your work to be B minus.

And what you’ll find in doing this is that you will grow in tolerance to the awkwardness (you don’t have to make it go away) and that people will connect with you, even if you’re not perfect, polished or professional. 

And maybe, just maybe you'll have fun! 

Go ahead, give it a try! And if this resonates with you or you think things like feeling awkward are holding you back from marketing your business like the BOSS you are, I can help you. Together we will identify what’s keeping you from creating all the clients you want and create the strategies and plan to get you to your goals! Book a call with me now.



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