Could This Sneaky Thought Be Holding You Back Right Now?

Sep 22, 2021

There have been countless times in my business that I’ve procrastinated writing the vulnerable post, avoided hitting ‘send’ on the email,’ didn’t make the follow-up call because when it really came down to it, the sneaky thought “no one really wants what I have to offer” was at work in my brain. 

With that kind of thinking, it’s going to be super simple to avoid that rejection ahead of time and not make the offer, send the email, place the call. What’s the point, right?

Could this thought be holding you back right now? If you’re not getting the results you want, this sneaky, limiting, sabotaging thought may be at work. 

Telltale signs include procrasti-[fill in the blank], like procrasti-learning, procrasti-web browsing, procrasti-facebooking...etc. I know cuz I’ve been guilty of them all. Sound familiar? 

So, what can we do? 

The first step is recognizing that this thought - or some version of it - is not serving you.

Next, it’s time to get to work, consciously changing and replacing this thought with a version that serves you, motivates you, energizes you. 

Just for fun right now, pick a thought that would serve you better, like “what I have to offer is valuable.” Write it down and try it does this new thought make you feel? Think about all the ways you would show up differently if you believed this new thought in your bones. 

Make a point to practice your new thought daily for the next 7 days.  

Look for evidence that what you have to offer is valuable and serves your ideal client. Who have your helped? How have you helped them? How have they let you know? Journal about it.

When we practice finding evidence, we create new neural pathways and teach the brain to adopt and believe our new thought.

Just like going to the gym and building new muscles, the more you ‘workout’ your brain with this new thought, the sooner you will get the results - new clients, new job, more money, greater impact - you’ve been dreaming of. Thinking in this new way will change how you show up in your life and your work. 

Now, I’d love to hear from you, what’s a limiting thought you want to work on changing? Reach out and let me know.


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