Are You Capable Of Creating Pro Athlete Kinda Cash?

May 12, 2021

One of my mentors was recently talking about buying an expensive car that her dealer told her is generally purchased by pro athletes. Her point was that we as women too can create pro athlete level income as entrepreneurs. I agree 100%! But...

Then I got to thinking about what I know about pro athletes and how they get to that level. Elite-level athletes get there with incredible amounts of commitment, determination, and discipline.

They rarely coast or rest on past success, they are driven to continual improvement... not out of lack of being good enough, but out of love. Love for their sport, love of pushing the limits, love of mastery. They love spending the time and effort to perfect their craft!

As solopreneurs, we too can create elite-level results in our business and it doesn’t have to require more time or sacrificing our values. It requires asking better questions of ourselves, like”‘how can I create greater value for my clients?” I believe we each have it in us! And we can do it on our terms!


It requires pro-level commitment and discipline (which is about creating habits, not punishment) to do the hard things and continue through failure, challenging ourselves to fail day in and day out without giving up. It’s that type of mental fortitude and mind management most people never develop.

But the good news is, it’s something you can begin to develop... right here, right now. It's something I'm creating in my own life and business and continue to build! And it's what I coach my clients on developing every day! It’s a series of small, focused shifts, a 1% improvement every day.

You have it in you! All you need to do is believe it’s there and call yourself higher, set a new standard.

And I can help you get started...I'd love to hear about your goals and dreams, where you are now and where you want to go. In one conversation I can help you identify everything standing between you and the money you want to make and being fully free to be who you are and make the contribution you want to make to the world. Let's talk! Click here to schedule a time to chat.



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