What to Do With Your ‘Shoulds’

Jun 09, 2021

We all have a list of ‘shoulds.’ They go something like this…

“I should be posting on social media more.”

“I should be making cold calls.”

“I should be doing Facebook Lives.”

“I should be on Facebook and Instagram and Linked In and Clubhouse (whatever the hell that is).”

Sound familiar?

Guess what all this ‘shoulding’ is doing for you and your business...it is standing in the way of your creativity, your progress, your massive action, your success and all the money and clients you can handle.

Stop the madness!!

This is what I know to be true:

There are a million (actually, probably more!) different ways to grow a successful business and create clients and money. You do not have to do ANY of your marketing ‘shoulds!’ You can just drop them...drop ‘em like it’s hot! Leave them there.

Instead run with all of your might toward those marketing and sales activities you love...or at least prefer. Do the fun stuff, let your creativity soar, don’t second guess, just do all of those activities that bring you joy.

Guess what’s going to happen...you will be energized for marketing, you will feel better, you will bring more joy, passion, enthusiasm, fun to your marketing and sales that will make you and your business super attractive and compelling.

We all love to work with people enjoying what they’re doing right?

From that place you will attract all the clients you can handle. I know this to be true. It’s true in my business and I watch my clients do this EVERY.DAY.

If you are struggling with your 'shoulds,' I can help you. Let's take a look at your marketing, what's working, what's not and shine a clear path for you on creating all the clients and money you want in your business. If you are a solopreneur, I'm the Marketing Coach for you! Click here now to set up a call.



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