How to Learn to Trust Yourself & Why It’s so Critical

Jun 18, 2021

There was a time in my business when I didn’t really trust myself to be able to handle more clients and earn more money...even though consciously I was hustling my butt off to create more clients. This mis-alignment created lots of frustration and NO clients. 

I see this often in the women I work with, they say they want more clients but really, they don’t trust themselves to close the sale and fulfill what they promised and it often leads to self-sabotage. 

Not trusting ourselves can also show up like...

  • Looking to others in areas where we lack trust in ourselves - like marketing - consuming more content than we are creating b/c we don’t trust that we know what we’re doing
  • Looking for approval from others - likes, comments - because we don’t trust our opinion of ourselves or that we are good enough
  • Trying to please everyone with our messaging and watering down - we don’t trust the power of our authentic message
  • Staying small because we don’t trust ourselves to handle something big, like notoriety, lots of clients, lots of attention - it all feels so unsafe.
  • Afraid to let others down - we've forgotten that we've always made it work
  • Have a hard time making decisions, constantly in decision fatigue, over-thinking and second-guessing.

The result is that our business stays small, we stay small, we don’t experience the fullness of our lives and our mission, we don’t find the edge of our capabilities, opportunities, earning potential, impact!

So, how do we build more trust in ourselves?

First, trust is a feeling...defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.”

Step 1 - Decide to trust and make it your standard. You can just decide to believe you are the bomb dot com. Not in an arrogant way but in acknowledging and respecting your inherent awesomeness, experience, wisdom. Practice offering yourself trusting self-talk and reinforcement. 

Step 2 - Have your own back when making decisions. Trust yourself to make the decision and make it right. Be decisive and then take the action necessary to make the decision right. When someone you love, like a BFF, makes a decision and it turns out badly, like a bad partner, you wouldn’t think twice about having her back and standing by her side. You can do the same for you.

Step 3 - Practice taking care of yourself. Trusting yourself is built by feeling safe that when you go big, you will take care of you. Nourish this belief by showing love and compassion to yourself. Care for yourself by getting enough sleep, eating in a way that cares for your body, and taking care of your health. For example, I ran my first 10k race in years, but to do it I had to be able to trust myself that I would train adequately, eat right, do my Physical Therapy exercises, and visit my chiropractor and massage therapist to be able to do it.

When you feel safe with YOU and trust that you always have your own back it matters much less when:

  • You fail 
  • When others don’t like you 
  • When others say or think mean things about you 

It also feels so much sweeter when you succeed because you not only have the feeling of success, but also a very uplifting and rewarding relationship with yourself... which of course just emanates to all those around you and those that you love the most. 


P.S. Having a coach that sees greatness in you where you cannot is one of the best things about the coach-client relationship. I believe in my clients 100% and I freely lend them that belief as they build and nurture their trust and belief in themselves. If you’d like to explore how coaching can work for you, let’s talk. 


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